Friday, February 11, 2011

The White House Robbery


(This story is not real)

Chapter One

You are in the time of April 3rd, 1997. This was my first detective case with my two best hounds, Evan and Grace, at my side. I bring to you the sad and sorry case of the White House Robbery. You will start in at the first moment of this case. Read carefully, secret clues are hidden in here.

“Oh this is so horrible, how could it happen to us, the president and his wife!!!” Sydney wailed

“Wh’d you say” yelled Collin, still in the bathroom.

After he was dressed in his suit and tie, Sydney told him.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” he screamed, practically flying down the stairs to get to his precious vault.

When he got there, he saw John Ulah, the security guard, and Katie Arnst, the head of security. They were both searching for clues.

“Where’s your apprentice, Chris Pickard?” Collin asked, surprised that he wasn’t there. Normally, those two, John and Chris were inseparable.

“He’s in L.A., buying a couple dresses for your wife.

“That’s for the seamstresses apprentice to do!!!” Collin said, outraged that someone had shorted him one guard.

“Her apprentice is sick, and the seamstress has to doctor her.” John replied, his voice solemn.

“Well, get on with it” grumbled Collin. “I got some calls to make.

Right about 5 minutes later, I got the call.

Being the morning grouch that I am, I just said, “Whatca’ want?”

“I’m the President, Collin Frank, and I want you to come and investigate my robbed vault.

“Yes sir.” I replied, snapping a salute, until I remembered that he couldn’t see me.

“Be here ASAP, and bring your hounds with you.”

“Yes mam-sir” I replied again, horrified to my toes.

After I had hustled my way there, I was escorted (after being thoroughly frisked, I might add.) to the vault’s entrance room. Katie came up to me and started showing me around the vault. My first piece of evidence came from her.

“Look here in this spot” Katie’s voice said, muffled by the padded walls

As I looked, I saw John walk past. “Excuse me, Mrs. Arnst, I need to talk to John for a moment.” I said politely.

“Oh, it’s no bother to me, Detective.” she stated. “I really need a little more time trying to figure this alarm out.”

I caught up to John. “Hey, did you find any evidence” I inquired.

“Yes, a trail of valuable gold coins leading to Katie’s room.” He replied, leaving me in shock, and walked away.

“So what’s up with the alarm” I asked, as soon as Katie was in hearing distance.

“Mark and his girlfriend Madelyn could tell you.” She confessed: “I seriously don’t what’s up with it. It must have been de-activated.”

“Mark & Madelyn?”

“They have a career of knowing everything about locks” Katie said, a smile on her face. “If anyone knows, it’s them”

“Hmmm” I said to busy writing down what Katie and John had told me. This was going to be an interesting case.

Chapter Two

It is a day later. I have no new leads. I’m meeting the President, his wife, Mark and Madelyn. Evan and Grace a sleeping peacefully in front of the fire in the room.

“So you’re the detective!!” Madelyn squealed, giving me a hug.

“We wish you tremendous luck” Mark whispered, his voice wheezy.

“What have you found out” Sydney asked, her voice breathless with anticipation and tension.

“That those two,” I said pointing at Mark and Madelyn “are alarm fanatics and that a trail of valuable coins lead to Katie’s room”-

“Katie is the culprit!!!!!!!!” Collin yelled. “We must fire here at once!!!!!!!!!” Collin roared, making Grace twitch where she was.

“Sweetie, you cut the Detective off” Sydney pointed out. “Let him finish”

-“Also, that Chris Pickard is away” I finished, glaring at the president. “How much was in the vault?” I inquired, my curiosity overwhelming me.

“More than enough to keep a country alive for 79 years” Mark sputtered as he was leaving the room.

“How much was in the vault” I asked again.

“89,653,217,438,650,176” Collin and Sydney said in unison. “Take away the several million that was stolen, you have 89,653,217,434,650,176.” Sydney finished.

I let an audible gasp. “Who would steal part of the state money away from you?!?!” I exclaimed. Ok, I thought. Now it’s time to knuckle down on this case.

When I got back to my room, I saw a note typed up on a computer lying across my pillow. After I read it, I felt a chill go through my body. As I went to open my window and get fresh air, I heard a gun shot, and fell about 3-4 stories, the world a jumbled mess.

Chapter 3

I am feeling better, since I’m out of the hospital and not hooked up to tubes anymore. I am even more determined to find the culprit now, since I am convinced that he/she was the one who shot me in the back and pushed me out a window. I have almost finished the case. It would be wrong, of course, to tell you the culprits name or names.

“All right doggies, time to sniff out the culprit” I crooned, rubbing their bellies.

I let them sniff around the vault, waiting for Evan’s ears to prick. As soon as they did, Grace’s ears followed suit. As they started pulling hard on the leashes I let go and jogged after them.

I got thinking a while later, about this case. Katie was a dead ringer for the culprit, but I felt like it wasn’t Katie……. that’s not something I’d imagine her doing. I knew Chris was as capable as anyone of committing this crime, him being in L.A. didn’t mean anything. Mark and Madelyn were the most suspicious, with them having a career of de-activating alarm systems. Collin and Sydney were still suspects, and I still had the memory of that night, finding the note and almost being killed.

“OH MY GOD!!!!” I screamed. I was standing in front of a door I knew all to well.

Chapter 4

I have added this chapter so you know I finished the case. The President is getting impeached. I am going to be the world’s most famous detective. It turned out that Collin typed the note that said: stop investigating or you will be killed. Sydney shot me and pushed me out the window. I gave the court my case files and they are putting Collin and Sydney in prison for theft and attempted murder.

Written May of 2010 for a class assignment- Received an A

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